Monday, August 9, 2010

Budget Saving Tip for The Week

Every Monday I will post a tip that will help you stre-e-e-e-e-tch that dollar even further! If you have any suggestions to what I can post, please email me or leave a may see it as the weekly tip!

Tip for the week:

Ok, I cannot do laundry without having to  use dryer sheets. I hate my clothes sticking together because of static. And I don't think I'm alone. However, it is so hard to find a good deal on quality dryer sheets. Here's a solution to lessen the times we have to buy those.

Cut the sheets in half!  This is something I do all the time, and boy does it help. Is this something you do? Do have another suggestion related to saving money with dryer sheets? Please leave a comment!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

My First Post!

Ok! So I finally got a chance to sit down and do an introductory post. First of all thanks for visiting my blog. I'm Alison. I'm an RN who works mostly on an OB/GYN floor at a local hospital. In six weeks, I will be a SAHM (stay at home mom), while my husband is deploying. I will work occasionally, to help bring a few extra dollars. However, while he is gone, my boys are my main focus. I choose not to publish my kids names, ages, nor any pictures of  them. I'm only concerned for their safety.  Some of you may say, why name a site "A Mom's Life with Three Boys" if I don't post pictures of them...well your right, but this site is about what I DO.
With that aside, I will post just about anything and everything, especially if it has to do with sales. It will take me awhile to get this site going like I want, so please hang in there, and visit often!!