Wednesday, November 3, 2010

As a SAHM, one of my many jobs, is to stretch every little penny. That includes tightening our grocery budget. One way I do that is by viewing sales ads. I also view many money saving blogs to get the inside scoop on upcoming sales.
Of course, I also use coupons.  I often clip coupons from Sunday paper inserts.  Another way to find coupons is through coupon websites, where you can print coupons.  The most common one is Click on the link below to view the coupons and print. You can usually print two coupons per item.
I usually print the coupons to use at my local Publix store. However, be cautious as some stores are becoming stricter about coupon policy regarding Internet printables (IP's). Also, to be "environmentally friendly" only print what you need, when you need it.  Every month on the 1st, the coupons do reset.
Another downside, is that most coupons are for processed foods, so if you trying to buy more natural foods, this is not the way to go.
As with anything, you have to try to see if you like it.