Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Oh, The Places You'll Go...

I believe everyone is familiar with the all too popular Dr. Sesus' book "Oh, The Places You'll Go." It's probably one of the most given graduation presents for those going on to college or starting out on their own.

Well, I think about that book every time I look at my life. Eight years ago, I never even knew my husband. It was after my grandfather had passed in November 2002, that I decided to go out on a limb and place a personal ad with a popular dating service.  A few days later, I started chatting online with this guy named "Sean." We started talking online, and then progressed to talking on the phone. On December 10, 2002, we had our first date at a local botanical garden.
Well, we've been together since then. Although we lived about two hours apart, we made a point to see each other about once a week. He was still working, as I was still in nursing school. In May of 2003, we were in a wedding for a good friend of his. Well, low and behold, a month later we found out I was pregnant. OMG!!! I haven't even finished nursing school. For my fellow nurses, we all know just how stressful nursing school is already, without adding a baby into the mix!! Plan of action...I think Sean was already considering the military, though he decided to go with the Reserves.

So we got married in July 2003, and then five days later he left for basic training. He returned home about    1 1/2 months before DS#1 was born (having being taken early by c-section due to me developing HELLP syndrome). So, here we are at present day, still married, now a SAHM working per Diem at a local hospital, and 3 very beautiful boys. So basically, eight years ago, I had no idea that my life would be what it is today...I LOVE IT!!!
"Oh The Places You'll Go"

With all that said, (even though I was against putting any pictures of the boys here), here is DS#1 receiving his 1st three belt loops with cub scouts. I love my life! (and no that's not me with him, that's one of our wonderful pack leaders)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Getting Back Into Scrapbooking

Something I have always loved doing is scrapbooking.  However (and unfortunately) I have not done any pages in FOREVER. I even sold a ton of my stuff to co-workers and at a yard sale.
Well, recently I was invited to participate in a WOM (word of mouth) campaign through BzzAgent featuring products from

How excited I was when I received my campaign kit in the mail the other day.
It includes:
  • An Elmer's Crafter's guide
  • 2 pairs of X-ACTO Decorative Edge Scissors
  • 1 X-ACTO Corner Rounder Punch
  • 1 Elmer's CraftBond Permanent Tape Runner
  • 1 Elmer's CraftBond Clear Glue Pen
  • 1 Elmer's CraftBond All-Purpose Glue Stick
  • An assortment of glue spots

Wow!!! What a super package!!! I can't wait to get started.  So my plan this coming week is to make one page (hopefully something that I will be able to give my husband to keep while on deployment)...more than likely something of the boys!!  So stay tuned!!